From 25 to 29 March, the EU-China Aviation Partnership Project (APP) successfully facilitated an experience exchange visit of a CAAC-led delegation to Europe, dedicated to environmental sustainability of aviation. This activity was a follow up to the introductory workshop on environmental policies, regulations, standards and new technologies held in Beijing in October 2017.
With the objective to identify ways how to further improve the effectiveness of environmental initiatives in Europe and China, several environmental policies and concrete case studies in the aviation sector were reviewed during this visit. The discussions enabled the Chinese and European participants to increase mutual understanding on effective policy and implementation practices.
The activity started in Brussels (Belgium) with visits to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action and Directorate-General for Environment, and the Airports Council International (ACI). This part of the activity was dedicated to the framework of environmental policy processes and schemes, as well as the contributions made by industry and non-governmental organisations.
The visit continued in Cologne (Germany) at EASA Headquarters, where the European Aviation Environmental Report 2019 was presented. Furthermore, presentations and discussion took place on the topic of noise certification. The final day was organised at Frankfurt Airport, where the Chinese delegation met with the airport representatives for a site visit and exchanges on Airport Carbon Accreditation, CO₂ and noise management.
In conclusion of the experience exchange visit, participants pointed out that there is good scope for learning from each other’s environmental policies and strategies. In a dedicated discussion on future cooperation topics and the way forward, the intention to organise follow-up activities was expressed.
The Chinese delegation consisted of 6 representatives, from CAAC, CAAC’s regional administrations, China Civil Airports Association and the Civil Aviation University of China. On the European side, additional presentations throughout the visit were given by representatives of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, IATA, Transport & Environment, UECNA, KLM and EASA.
You can find the supporting resources for this activity here. A password is required, to request access please contact Wang Lili at